Leakey Camp 2025
Arrival / Airbnb info:
Check-in Time: 3:30pm
Address: 684 Big Shades Rd, Concan, TX 78838
Gate code to subdivision: 1393# This is the code for the gate that is off the highway to enter the subdivision.
Please note - enter in the big shades gate, not into the price cattle gate
House code: 151212#
To enter and exit you must pull the door slightly towards you while entering the code or it will not lock/unlock. To Enter: push any button to light the screen then push 151212#. The light will turn green and the deadbolt will unlock. To Lock: pull the door knob towards you, push any button to light the screen then hold down “#” for 3 seconds. You will hear 3 short beeps signaling it is locked.
Airbnb PDF
Important Reminder:
***To help keep everything running smoothly, please note that our property is on a septic system. Septic systems require special care to ensure they function properly. Please use the garbage disposal sparingly. Non-biodegradable items and excessive food waste can disrupt the septic system.
Highs/Lows Thursday: 45/24 Friday: 41/32 Saturday: 46/36 Sunday: 69/43
Pack accordingly.
Other Notes
Pack a small bag for your nutrition/layers in the SAG vehicle.
Please consider bringing a personal mug/tumbler and/or water bottle to save on dishes.
Cooking crew gets first dibs on showers. Please keep showers quick and short. If you can space them out, the water heater and pressure will be better. Bathrooms are equipped with towels, and toiletries
Itinerary :
SAG Team: Venny and Lynn
*Friday and Saturday morning roll out we’ll play by ear with the weather.
4:15pm roll out. Bring lights.
23 mile shake out https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41752662
Friday - Vanderpool / The Apple Store
*9:15am roll out
Vanderpool loop with an optional out and back for more climbing and miles. Pick your poison wisely to be sure to save some legs for Saturday! For all the routes there is a Gas Station in Utopia if needed at mile 18.
35 mile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49758060 Utopia out and back. Pie stop at Lost Maples Cafe.
57 mile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41746038 Lost Maples General Store (Mile 29) Leakey Mercantile (Mile 44)
73 mile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41752907 Lost Maples General Store (Mile 45) Leakey Mercantile (Mile 61)
78 mile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49758112 Lost Maples General Store (Mile 29 Leakey Mercantile (Mile 44/65)
97 mile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41752700 Medina Apple Store (Mile 49) Lost Maples General Store (Mile 70) Leakey Mercantile (Mile 85)
Saturday - Campwood / The Twisted Sisters Loop
*8:30am drive to Leakey, 9am roll out
We'll park and start at the post office in Leakey. Campwood has a convenience store and our SAG crew will be there if you need to shed layers. PB+J Lunch and regroup at The Tree (mile 54). SAG escort from mile 54-68 to be stay safe on highway 41. After mile 68 we turn south back towards Leakey for some more climbing (and descending!) and punchers.
95 mile loop https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41752965 Camp Wood Convience store Mile 21 Tree Stop Mile 54
9:15am roll out
23 mile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41752662
Dinner Crews:
*tentative menu
THURSDAY - Chicken Alfredo
Cooking crew: John / Venny
Clean-up crew: Kim / Chad
FRIDAY - Spaghetti
Cooking crew: Venny / Noah / Tiphane
Clean up crew: Chris / Nicole
SATURDAY - Sourdough Pizza
Cooking crew: Venny / Lynn / Jason
Clean up crew: Greg / Shaun
*Please clean up after yourself after breakfast as we have no morning clean up crews.
Packing List
Bike Equipment
helmet + shoes
We recommend 28C or higher tires
Be prepared with climbing gears, at least a 1:1 gear ratio.
extra tires, tubes, Co2
water bottles
front + rear lights
chain lube
bike rag
Cycling gear
Pack all the necessary layers. It's better to overpack in this department than under pack.
Breakfast (some ideas: overnight oats, oatmeal, rice and eggs, bagels, bananas)
We will provide coffee beans, bread, peanut butter and jam to make PB+Js on the bike, and pie for dessert.
Personal Snacks/Post ride recovery nutrition
On the bike nutrition, hydration and recovery mixes, and anything else you need for energy during and recovery post ride.
Other items to consider
Personal cooler with your recovery drinks/snacks and favorite beverages. Fridge space is limited.
Personal mug/tumbler to save on dishes
Ear plugs
Grocery bag / small bag to pack in SAG vehicle
Recovery tools eg Thera gun, recovery boots, roller, etc.
Camp Roster
Chad Musgrove - Conroe
Chris Lamont - Kemah
Greg LaStrapes - Corpus Christi
Jason Bentley - Clear Lake
John Wilmeth - New Waverly
Kim Van Pelt - The Woodlands
Lynn LaStrapes - Corpus Christi
Nicole Jurisch - League City
Noah Schlosser - Cut and Shoot
Shaun Martin - Houston
Tiphane Want - Kemah
Venny Alub - New Waverly